1. Jake has taken to walking around the room holding a framed picture of himself. He smiles and gives his picture lots of kisses. Who can blame him? He is absolutely adorable.
2. Jake has become quite good at getting his point across, literally. He points from his chest to whatever he wants then back and forth. He will continue to do this until you clue in.
3. While he has not been feeling well Jake has wanted to do nothing but read books. We have read books nonstop for several days. In fact, we read the same books over and over. I swear he is saying something that is very close to "this one" and "again" when he is handing us books. Of course I am pretty sure he is brilliant.
4. Dan says Jake is writing his first novel. He often reads to us too. I have been trying for weeks to get video of him reading, but he stops as soon as the camera comes out. Dan says chapter one is called Do Do Do. Chapter two is called Dooey Dooey. I am sure chapter three will be coming soon.