Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Merry Christmas

                                                              Cutest Santa Ever!
                                                      Playing with Sofia
                                                       Playing with Peter
                                                 Christmas Eve with Great Grandma
                                                    Happy little man Christmas morning!
                                              Basketball hoop from Santa
                                     A stocking bigger than Jake
                                      A big bulldozer from Grandpa Ronnie
                                    Cousin Sammie feeding baby Jake-too cute!

  Hello everyone!  I hope you had a very Merry Christmas.  We have had many many celebrations with all of our families.  In fact, I think we are up to six, but I lost count somewhere.  Don't get me wrong we are very lucky to have so many wonderful people to share the holidays with, but we are kind of on Christmas overload.  Here are a few pictures of all the great events.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Did You Say Pie?

  Thanksgiving was relaxing and very low key this year.  We had a fantastic Thanksgiving dinner.  Jake found a new favorite food.  He absolutely loved the pumpkin pie and the whipped cream!  Granny Jo Jo  was kind enough to share hers with him, but he wasn't really thrilled about the sharing.  Watch his eyes and mouth in the video very closely especially when Granny Jo Jo dares to take her own bite.


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Then and Now

The Little Stinker 2007
                                                             The Lion 2008
                                                        Jake's first jack o' lantern.
      What a difference a year makes.  Last year we had to prop Jake up on the couch to get his picture in his costume.  This year we had to chase him around, because he is just so fast.  It was hard to keep him still long enough to get a picture taken.  He definitely has his own agenda these days.  Now that he is feeling better he has no interest in sitting still unless there is a book involved.

Happy Halloween!

       Pirate friends
                                                                   Pretty Piggies
                                                                Adorable Lions
                                                  Lions need their Papas too!
                                                               It's good to be a lion!
    Jake was an incredibly good sport yesterday.  He wore his lion costume with no complaints.  As you can see he was absolutely adorable!  We had a great time with our good friends from the neighborhood.  The Quicks had a fantastic party with great food and wine.  Sophia was a great sport about sharing her toys.  Jake spent most of the night playing with the toys in Sofia's room.  We had a great time!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Catching Up

  So much is happening and so quickly.  Everyday Jake learns something new and amazes me.  It is hard to get it all down and I do not want to forget.  So here are a few things that have happened lately.

1.  Jake has taken to walking around the room holding a framed picture of himself.  He smiles and gives his picture lots of kisses.  Who can blame him?  He is absolutely adorable.

2.  Jake has become quite good at getting his point across, literally.  He points from his chest to whatever he wants then back and forth.  He will continue to do this until you clue in.

3.  While he has not been feeling well Jake has wanted to do nothing but read books.  We have read books nonstop for several days.  In fact, we read the same books over and over.  I swear he is saying something that is very close to "this one" and "again" when he is handing us books.  Of course I am pretty sure he is brilliant.

4.  Dan says Jake is writing his first novel.  He often reads to us too.  I have been trying for weeks to get video of him reading, but he stops as soon as the camera comes out.  Dan says chapter one is called Do Do Do.  Chapter two is called Dooey Dooey.  I am sure chapter three will be coming soon.  

The Pumpkin Patch

     We had a fun filled Saturday.  We started our fun at Lilyana's birthday party.  Jake had a great time playing with all of Lily's toys and she was a very good sport about it.  She was an absolutely adorable birthday girl.  Check out her blog to see the great pictures of her fun party.  
     After the party we went to Bishop's Pumpkin Farm.  It was late in the afternoon and Jake wasn't feeling very good so we didn't stay very long.  While we were there we took a little ride on the train and hunted out the perfect pumpkin.  As we were leaving Jake found a cute little pumpkin just his size.  He did not want to let go of it.  He held it the whole way home, even while he was sleeping.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Poor Maggie!

  It is not often that we say Poor Maggie and mean it.  We often say it when we are kidding about our poor neglected and abused dog, who is really spoiled rotten.  Anyway, we really mean it this time.  Maggie has become Jake's ladder to climb up on the couch and the chair.  We often see him step right on her face in order to climb up.  Maggie, being the good natured beast that she is just takes it and doesn't complain.  It is her boy after all.  Last week Jake was pulling her whiskers on her face.  He thought it was really funny, Maggie not so much.  Even though it was probably hurting her she very gently pushed his hand away with her paw several times.  It is funny to think that people are so scared of her they cross the street to get away.  She really is just a big baby!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

1 Year Photos

        Here are a few of the great shots Erica took of Jake.  Dan and I were not expecting to be in the pictures, but she took a few good shots of the three of us.  Hard to believe he was cranky and napless when you look at these.  Does every mother think her child is this adorable?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Favorite Photos

             First smiles
In Papa's chair
                                                               Maggie kisses!
                                                              My two favorite men

Last week we took Jake to get some 1 year pictures taken by our good friend Erica.  It probably wasn't the best day.  We had been going all day long and Jake missed his afternoon nap.  Needless to say our little man wasn't the happy go lucky guy we all know and love.  Yes it is true, Jake was fussy(I know some of you don't believe it, but it happens).  Anyway, we got some great shots and I can't wait to share them with you.  Look for them, they will be coming soon.  Until then here are some old photos that we love. 

Friday, September 5, 2008

Watch Out World Here He Comes

  Yesterday Jake started walking.  He took 7 steps.   We are all very proud of him.  I am slightly embarrassed, I have turned into one of those mom's who has to show everyone her adorable son.  I took my camera to school so I could show everyone Jake's first steps(They all very kindly watched and said sweet things).  It is strange, in one way I am very happy that Jake is walking, but on the other hand it is kind of sad that our little man is getting so big so fast.  We have gone from not walking to seven steps in a row.  So, watch out world here he comes!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

We Almost Have Lift Off!

  Jake is getting so close to walking (Of course I have been saying that all summer).  This week he has started walking longer distances while holding onto someone's hands.  He has even started to boss around his Grammy telling her to get up so he can practice walking.  He grabs her by the hands and points to where he wants to go.  This weekend he started being able to walk holding on to one hand.  There have even been a few sightings of one or two steps, before he realizes what he is doing and decides to crawl.   Before we know it he will be running. Anyway, we got some video of him practicing with Granny JoJo.


Here is a cute picture with Papa too.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sleeping with Baxter

Jake has a buddy named Baxter.  Baxter is always in his crib with him along with his blanket.  I love the way he sleeps with his little but in the air and snuggling with Baxter.  Many times when we have put Jake down to sleep we will hear talking coming from the other room.  It seems as though Jake likes to have chats with Baxter.  The only thing we can really recognize is Maggie's name.  So, Jake has a lot to say about her.  I can only imagine that he is describing to Baxter how Maggie has chewed up the latest toy or licked him one time to many.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Times Change


Times have changed.  Earlier this year Sofia was learning to walk while Jake got to lounge and enjoy the ride.  Now, Sofia was kind enough to let Jake push her around while he is practicing his walking skills.  They are so cute(not at all biased)!  It is hard to believe they have grown so much in such a short period of time. 

Sunday, August 10, 2008

San Francisco

   On Thursday and Friday we headed over to San Francisco.  It is probably our favorite place to visit.  Dan and I have been there hundreds of times.  We would go shopping, taste wines at the wine bar(our favorite), and eat out at all the new happening places.  Well times have changed.  Now we hang out at the park and go to places like the zoo in between naps.  Not quite the same as the old days, but we wouldn't have it any other way.   
   Our visit to the zoo was lots of fun.  Jake loved the flamingos and we got to see the new baby tigers.  My favorite part was the visit to the family farm.  Inside the farm are machines to buy food to feed the billy goats.  Some of the billy goats are bullies who wait around below the machines to get food.  Well, they are not very polite.  There is a big one who kept bumping Dan in the back of his legs while he was trying to get the food out.  Then he followed Dan around bumping him some more.  Dan of course would not give that bossy billy goat any food.  I took video of this event and laughed the whole time, unfortunately I am technologically challenged and took the video sideways.  I am including it today, please forgive my video taking skills.

Friday, August 1, 2008


This week Jake got his first taste of roughing it in the great outdoors.  We spent three days at beautiful Pinecrest Lake, about 30 miles above Sonora.  We arrived and set up camp, preparing to brave the elements and live off of the land.  So we set up the tent, complete with aero-bed and florescent lantern.  We unloaded the food, wine, snacks, camp chairs, etc.--you know roughing it.  We had time to make some burgers, grilled over our camp fire, with a salad and a little wine.  We then headed over to the outdoor amphitheater to have some popcorn and watch Wall-E with a bunch of other campers.  Jake only made it through about the first half of the movie, but it did start at 8:30 pm.  On Wednesday as we were headed over to the lake we realized we had made a serious error packing the car and arrived without a camera.  Sorry but this entry will be sans photos.  I know this is a serious faux pas during the times of HD Video blogs and such so please forgive my sloppy prose.  We went to the lake and Jake got to play in the shallow area of the lake.  The water felt a little cool to Meg but Jake didn't seem to mind.  Jake had fun splashing around and socializing with some of the other kids.  I was really kicking myself for leaving the cameras at home.  The next day we went on a nice hike around the lake, part of which Jake slept through.  After coming back to camp for lunch, and another nap for Jake,  we went down to the Marina for some soft-serve ice cream.  We went out for Pizza in Cold Springs (Population 100) and headed back to the campsite.  We made it back to civilization today after a few rough days in the wild.  Pinecrest Lake is a place with fond childhood memories for both Meg and me.  We both spent many summer vacations there as kids and we may very well have been there at the same time but not meeting until later.  It was a yearly tradition in my family and we always took friends with us.  It was so much fun to have a big group there enjoying the lake.  We decided this would be a good tradition for Jake as well but we would love to have a bigger group join us next year so keep a few days open next summer.  

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Party Animal-1st Birthday Party

The Birthday Boy

The Pool

The cupcake all over me and mommy!

Auntie Carrie's artwork

More presents!

  On Saturday we had Jake's 1st birthday at Granny Jo Jo's house.  Our lucky little man was surrounded by all the people who love him.  Family and friends(family to us) came from far and wide to be here for Jake's big day.  People came from Laguna Beach, Mariposa, Manteca, and Escalon.  He may not understand how lucky he is to have so many people love and adore him, but we do.  
The party was a big success, even though it was really hot(good thing it was a pool party!) Auntie Carrie made the most adorable shark cupcakes, we played in the pool,  ate lots of food(great orzo salad Sarah), opened presents, and had yummy dessert. The best part was being with all the people we love.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Jake's Birthday

So, okay there has been a little delay after our blog began--mid-year resolution is to be better about that.  Today is Jake's 1st birthday and, while Jake doesn't seem to get the milestone yet, we couldn't be happier.  Saturday will be the big party but today we still had to do the birthday thing on his birthday.   Jake tried to put out the candle with his hand but he didn't need any help with the cake.  Not too much ended up on the floor for Maggie to take care of.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Welcome to the Ross Family Trio Blog.  We are new to this but we're going to give it a go.  I thought this might be a good picture to start with, you can't beat hanging out with Jake on the beach.  Currently we're watching Jake trying to crawl but the way he lifts himself up I think he might walk first.  His bottom two teeth are in and the top two are peeking through.  I'll do my best to get some up to date pictures and video on here.