Sunday, February 21, 2010

Vacation Fun

This week I was very lucky to get to spend the week with Jake. We had lots of fun. We took Granny JoJo to the zoo on Monday. We visited Jake's new school on Wednesday and Thursday. On Friday we got to go to the train museum with Papa. Yesterday we went to a birthday party and then we got to see Grandpa Ron and Grandma Claudia to celebrate my birthday.
I have to say though it is the little things that have been the most memorable to me. Today Jake decided we needed to make some cookies. When I asked him what kind of cookies he said chocolate chip. So, we made the cookies. He helped me dump stuff in the mixer and turn it on. I also asked him to hold the chocolate chips. He took this job very seriously and decided he better sample the merchandise. So, for the remainder of the baking experience he sampled chocolate chips while I worked. When it was finally time to put the chocolate chips in he wasn't exactly thrilled. He would let me have two or three chocolate chips at a time. It was really pretty funny.

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